Club House

Club House 

The new club house was opened in 1983. It is open daily with catering and bar services on Wednesdays and weekends or by prior arrangement. There are full changing and shower facilities available.

For further information please ring Bookings Manager Mary Kennedy: 06 3229859 or 0273229850

Club Days 

Women’s club day is Wednesdays.
9 hole ladies tee off    9.00am
18 hole ladies tee off 10am

18 hole Men tee off 12.00noon

Club day is Saturday draw at 12 noon. Members and visitors are welcome to join in on these days.

Food and bar will be available.


All caravans welcome.

$20.00 per van per night
We are a member of the M.C.A.. 

Green Fees 

18 holes - $40.00
 9 holes - $20.00

Children 16 yrs and under $10.00

Group discounts by prior arrangement

Clubs for hire:  $15.00 including trundler
Carts for hire $40-00

Trundler only  $5.00


Bookings Manager Mary Kennedy at the club house on 06 3229859.or 0273229850

Gift vouchers are available by contacting Nicola on or 027 2182305

Visitors and new members are always welcome.